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это вся проблема игры администрация ??

Сообщений 1 страница 11 из 11


Server update from to
[+] Added lang bits to English.xml -> 804-806
[+] Changed way of entering to Off-Trade, now personal store must be configured but cannot be opened - it will open automatically upon entering Off-Trade
[+] Changed default locations with ability to open Personal Store, now it is only possible to open one in Safe Zones only
[+] Changed placement of Zen price reward for Personal Store transactions, now it is paid to Gremory Case
[!] Fixed issue where tower buffs duration, coming as reward from Arca Battle Event, was hardcoded
[!] Fixed issue where errtel of radiance was always created with same option
[!] Fixed issue allowing to abuse Expansion of Wizardry buff
[!] Fixed issue where Elemental Defense Increase option of selected Guardian items was not working
[!] Fixed issue where Monster Soul Converter info was getting corrupted after cycle reset
[!] Fixed issue where DMG Increase LvL/20 was not properly applied for selected Mastery equipment
[!] Fixed issue where Wings of Conqueror were treated as 3rd wing type what allowed to abuse Attack/Defense increase skill of 3rd skill tree
[!] Fixed issue where changing offer price in Personal Store could lead in deletion of equipped weapon
[+] Updated EarringAttribute.xml description
[+] Added protection against ability of trading with use of Personal Shop among different channels when channels are configured to use different currency
[-] Removed ability to configure unique currency type for OffTrading, now OffTrade uses coin type setting from Common.ini
[!] Fixed issue where Red Dragons continued to spawn at no invasion time
[!] Fixed issue where deletion of character resulted in corruption of pentagram errtels on other characters from same account
[!] Fixed issue where excellent socket accessory items did not respect configured drop options
[!] Reuploaded DataServer of update package with fixed personal store converter fixing issue where certain items could come with invalid item serial
[!] Fixed new personal store items serials of certain items (execute selected database update script)
[!] Fixed issue where Hash URL was not displayed properly in COnnect Server log
[+] Added support of 4th Wings grade options for selection of systems, see in-file notes for configuration explanation
[!] Fixed issue where opening personal store was not possible for certain characters
[!] Fixed issue where data of personal store was not cleared after character deletion
[!] Fixed nishe scenario where purchasing from personal store could result in item/price loss due to Gremory Case storage limits
[!] Fixed issue where Critical Damage skill output could become visually bugged
[!] Fixed issue where Golden Monster could spawn at incorrect locations
[!] Fixed issue where certain Muun options did not work properly after reset
[!] Fixed specific scenario where Bond buff remained active despite not meeting buff activation criteria
[!] Fixed issue of Reflection Barrier Mastery is stopping to work at specific scenario
[+] Added support of guardian items options for selection of systems, see in-file notes for configuration explanation
[+] Added option to ChaosBox.ini to control maximum TOL percent -> TOLMaxPercent
[!] Fixed issue where Personal Store items did not load for newly created characters at specific scenario
[!] Improved case where casting a skill after clearing its cooldown (visually in client) could not cast the skill due to server/client cooldown mismatch
[!] Fixed issue where monsters of golden invasions could not spawn properly at certain scenario
[!] Fixed issue where check of distance of required party member class (LW or LM) did not work properly resulting it inappropriate Bond buff activation/deactivation
[!] Fixed issue where exchanging item of value greater than 2kkk to spirit stones was not possible or resulted in unexpected behavior
[!] Fixed issue where Nightmare was cointing to drop items in Lorencia
[!] Fixed issue of invalid spawn location after being killed during Illussion Temple Event
[!] Fixed typo in ResetSystem.xml, LevelAfterRese -> LevelAfterReset
[!] Fixed Fireblow skill function in MasterSkillCalc_4th.lua
[!] Fixed default configuration of ClassQuest.xml
[!] Fixed issue where level up points achaived trough class change quest were did not applied handled properly for fruits and reset systems
[!] Fixed Data Server crash
[!] Fixed niche scenario where seller did not get a payment foritems sold via personal Store
[!] Fixed specific scenario where newly created character could not open personal store
[+] Added ability to define minimum VIP level to use reset system, ResetSystem.xml -> MinVipType
[!] Fixed issue where trading pentagrams with 5 slots caused errtels to disappear
[+] Fixed issue where changing configuration of withdrawn time from Personal Store did not work
[MOD] Extended item bags system to drop all items from specific section
[MOD] Modified Calc4thClassDamageFromUser and Calc4thClassDamageFromMonster functions in CalcCharacter.lua function
[MOD] Modified selection of skill related lua functions, check git differences report for details
[FIX] Fixed issue with spawn of Red Dragon and Attack Event monsters
[FIX] Fixed Game Server vulnerability
[FIX] Fixed Game Server crash

кому не понятно переводчик в помощь


не могу понять если у вас есть время настраивать все что не нужно
что стоит потрать время на то что бы прислушаться к игрокам и настроить все то что реально нужное ???


Koroll написал(а):

не могу понять если у вас есть время настраивать все что не нужно
что стоит потрать время на то что бы прислушаться к игрокам и настроить все то что реально нужное ???

Да это полюбому исправления от создателя игры, он реагирует на замечания и запросы, а наша администрация ничего не настраивала, просто установила новый patch от создателя


о чем речь ?? если после кубера даже спотов нет ?


Это обновление от разработчика.

Споты после Куберии есть, но они на 2м сервере.


я видел по 5 мобов ) и получается если у меня нет вц то моя игра до кубера да ? точнее до 850 лвл :?


можно и до 1000+++ прокачаться в ферии не посещая куберию и свам даркнесс.


когда администрация начнет играть ! тогда сервер оживет


лично я достаточно влил чтоб поиграть ! а щас не вижу смысла свои деньги тратить


элементарно люди регаются чтоб зайти на сервер им пароль не приходит уже 10 человек не может зайти !!!!


Давно уже складывается впечатление, что на сервер просто откровенно забили.

Отредактировано Taty (2023-02-21 18:12:58)

Вы здесь » MuOnline TTS » Общий » это вся проблема игры администрация ??